Brian Sidoti

Position title: Ph.D. (2008-2015)

Brian Sidoti

Background & Research Interests: Having earned a BS from Colby College and a MS from Florida International University, Brian’s research integrates a suite of novel approaches to study the pattern and process of evolution of the epiphytic Tillandsia fasciculata(Bromeliaceae) complex in order to: 1) determine phylogenetic relationships of the T. fasciculata complex; 2) examine genetic variation within this species complex throughout the Caribbean Basin; and 3) predict the occurrence of T. fasciculata in geographic space based on distribution data.  Brian’s research is supported by a NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant.

Dissertation: “Systematics of the Tillandsia fasciculata Complex (Bromeliaceae)”.  Defended July 2015.
Current Status: Dr. Sidoti is currently on the faculty at the State College of Florida in Manatee/Sarasota, FL.